KeySplint Soft 3D Printing Resin
KeySplint Soft 3D Printing Resin for producing bite splints, night guards and bleaching trays. Light lavender color. Biocompatible, Strong, Flexible.
Validated on Asiga and many other printers. See Validation Table.Keyprint-3D-Printer-Validation 3-8-21
Here is an Article in Inside Dental Technology
Utilizing unique patent-pending technologies, Keystone Industries has developed a one-of-a-kind 3D printing resin for the fabrication of flexible dental splints, nightguards, and bleaching trays. This DLP-optimized resin is an exceptional printing material, that combines the strength needed to protect teeth against disorders like bruxism with added flexibility for better patient comfort. KeySplint Soft is also easily cleaned by the patient.
Within the USA, KeyPrint® KeySplint Soft is indicated for the fabrication of orthodontic and dental appliances such as mouthguards, nightguards, splints, repositioners, and bleaching trays.