Q: What does Silcox do?
A: Silcox Dental Supply primarily provides dental laboratory materials, supplies and equipment to dental technicians and dental labs looking to make dentures, crowns, bridges, flexibles, etc. All while providing our clients with excellent service!

Q: How do I place an order?
A: Please make an account with Silcox, find the products you want, click add to cart, and follow the prompts. Or you can call 800-377-1448 and one of our representatives can take your order over the phone.

Q: How do I place an order for international shipping?
A: Please call 800-377-1448 for assistance with international orders.  Silcox does NOT typically ship outside the US.

Q: Can I get volume discounts?
A: In order to see if you qualify for quantity discounts, please call 800-377-1448 to discuss your volume with one of our representatives.

Q: I can’t find the product I want, what do I do?
A: Please call 800-377-1448 so one of our representatives can further assist with finding products. Please provide as much information on the product(s) as possible (manufacturer, item #, box label, etc.)