Dima Print C&B Temp
Available in A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, B2 and BL1 – Bleach. For use in a digital workflow prior to production of final prosthesis. Dental Laboraties will print and potentially characterize temporary restorations. Dima Print C&B temp is a Class IIa material that can be used to produce short-term Try-ins or longer term temporaries (up to 1 year).
Don’t mill it, print! For faster temporaries and provisionals.
For temporaries and provisionals, 3D printing saves a significant amount of time and costs when compared to milling. But not only that: it frees up dental mills for higher value jobs that are not possible on a 3D printer (e.g. zirconia). 3D printing delivers a perfectly fitting and aesthetically pleasing temporary in less than 1 hour. Temporaries that are 3D printed can be reproduced in several shades for case evaluation.
Available shades:
- A1
- A2
- A3
- A3.5
- B1
- B2 and
- BL1